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hp ml350 g6上安装netware 6.5,使用一段时间后,速度变得非常慢,拷贝文件时常断,后升级了所有的硬件固件,问题解决。
hp ml370 g6上安装esxi 5.0,esxi 5.0上安装netware 6.5后,拷贝文件速度很慢,速度大约为物理机器安装netware的50%。安装vmtools后,速度基本达到了物理机器安装netware的水平,great!!!
For NetWare in a VM, make sure you set a memory reservation (VM Settings -> Resources -> Memory) equal to the amount of memory assigned to the VM - It can make a BIG difference. You will also want to make sure you have the VMTools aplied. I have seen things work slow without the tools installed. Install them. Netware 6.5: VMware Tools Install To install the VMware tools on a Netware 6.5 Virtual Machine follow these easy steps: 1. Power on the virtual machine. 2. Choose VM > Install VMware Tools. 3. Inside the guest OS,Load the CD-ROM driver if it's not already loaded: In the system console for a NetWare 6.5 virtual machine, type LOAD CDDVD 4. Run setup.ncf from the VMWTOOLS volume. Type: vmwtools:\setup.ncf 5. Restart the guest operating system. In the system console, type reboot server If the VMware Tools install ISO is still mounted, click: VM > End VMware Tools Install